Data model¶
Arcana’s data model sets out to bridge the gap between the semi-structured data trees that file-based data are typically stored in, and the tabular data frames used in statistical analysis. Note that this transformation is abstract, with the source data remaining within original data tree and generated derivatives stored alongside them.
The key elements of Arcana’s data model are:
Stores - encapsulations of tree-based file storage systems
Datasets - sets of comparable data to be jointly analysed
Items - references to data elements (files, scalars, and arrays)
Frames: Rows and Columns - abstract tables within datasets
Spaces - conceptual link between tree and tabular data structures
Grids - selection of data points to be included in an analysis
Support for different file storage systems (e.g. XNAT, BIDS)
is provided by sub-classes of DataStore
. Data store
classes not only encapsulate where the data are stored, e.g. on local disk or
remote repository, but also how the data are accessed, e.g. whether to assume that
they are in BIDS format, or whether files in an XNAT archive mount can be
accessed directly (i.e. as exposed to the container service), or only via the API.
There are currently four supported store classes in the main, arcana-bids and arcana-xnat packages
- access data organised within an arbitrary directory tree on the file systemBids
- access data on file systems organised in the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS)Xnat
- access data stored in XNAT repositories vi its REST APIXnatViaCS
- access data stored in XNAT via its container service
For instructions on how to add support for new systems see Alternative storage systems.
To configure access to a store via the CLI use the ‘arcana store add’ command.
The store type is specified by the path to the data store sub-class,
<module-path>:<class-name>, e.g. arcana.xnat:Xnat
However, if the store is in a submodule of arcana
then that
prefix can be dropped for convenience, e.g. xnat:Xnat
$ arcana store add xnat-central xnat:Xnat \
--user user123 --cache /work/xnat-cache
This command will create a YAML configuration file for the store in the ~/.arcana/stores/ directory. Authentication tokens are saved in the config file instead of usernames and passwords, and will need to be refreshed when they expire (see ‘arcana store refresh’).
The CLI also contains commands for working with store entries that have already been created
arcana store ls - list saved stores
arcana store rename - rename a store
arcana store remove - remove a store
arcana store refresh - refreshes authentication tokens saved for the store
Alternatively, data stores can be configured via the Python API by initialising the data store classes directly.
import os
from arcana.xnat import Xnat
# Initialise the data store object
xnat_store = Xnat(
# Save it to the configuration file stored at '~/.arcana/stores.yaml' with
# the nickname 'xnat-central''xnat-central')
# Reload store from configuration file
reloaded = DataStore.load('xnat-central')
Data stores that don’t require any parameters such as SimpleStore
don’t need to be configured and can be accessed via their aliases,
and bids
when defining a dataset.
In Arcana, a dataset refers to a collection of comparable data within a store, e.g. data from a single research study, or large collection such as the Human Connectome Project. Arcana datasets consist of both source data and the derivatives derived from them. Datasets are organised into trees that classify a series of data points (e.g. imaging sessions) by a “hierarchy” of branches (e.g. groups > subjects > sessions). For example, the following dataset consisting of imaging sessions is sorted by subjects, then longintudinal timepoints
├── subject1
│ ├── timepoint1
│ │ ├── t1w_mprage
│ │ ├── t2w_space
│ │ └── bold_rest
│ └── timepoint2
│ ├── t1w_mprage
│ ├── t2w_space
│ └── bold_rest
├── subject2
│ ├── timepoint1
│ │ ├── t1w_mprage
│ │ ├── t2w_space
│ │ └── bold_rest
│ └── timepoint2
│ ├── t1w_mprage
│ ├── t2w_space
│ └── bold_rest
└── subject3
├── timepoint1
│ ├── t1w_mprage
│ ├── t2w_space
│ └── bold_rest
└── timepoint2
├── t1w_mprage
├── t2w_space
└── bold_rest
The leaves of the tree contain data from specific “imaging session” data points, as designated by the combination of one of the three subject IDs and one of the two timepoint IDs.
While the majority of data items are stored in the leaves of the tree, data can exist for any branch. For example, an analysis may use genomics data, which will be constant for each subject, and therefore sits at the subject level of the tree sit in special SUBJECT branches
├── subject1
│ │ └── geneomics.dat
│ ├── timepoint1
│ │ ├── t1w_mprage
│ │ ├── t2w_space
│ │ └── bold_rest
│ └── timepoint2
│ ├── t1w_mprage
│ ├── t2w_space
│ └── bold_rest
├── subject2
│ │ └── geneomics.dat
│ ├── timepoint1
│ │ ├── t1w_mprage
│ │ ├── t2w_space
│ │ └── bold_rest
│ └── timepoint2
│ ├── t1w_mprage
│ ├── t2w_space
│ └── bold_rest
└── subject3
│ └── geneomics.dat
├── timepoint1
│ ├── t1w_mprage
│ ├── t2w_space
│ └── bold_rest
└── timepoint2
├── t1w_mprage
├── t2w_space
└── bold_rest
In the CLI, datasets are referred to by <store-nickname>//<dataset-id>[@<dataset-name>]
where <store-name> is the nickname of the store as saved by ‘arcana store add’
(see Stores), and <dataset-id> is
the file-system path to the data directory for file-system (and BIDS) stores
the project ID for XNAT stores
<dataset-id> is an optional component (“default” by default), which specifies a unique namespace for the dataset, and derivatives created within it. This enables multiple Arcana datasets to be defined on the same data, with different exclusion criteria and analyses applied to them.
For example, a project called “MYXNATPROJECT” stored in
XNAT Central using the xnat-central nickname
created in the Stores Section, would be xnat-central//MYXNATPROJECT
Alternatively, dataset objects can be created directly via the Python API using
the DataStore.dataset()
method. For example, to define a new dataset
corresponding to MYXNATPROJECT
xnat_dataset = xnat_store.dataset(id='MYXNATPROJECT')
Atomic entries within a dataset contain either file-based data or text/numeric fields.
In Arcana, these data items are represented using fileformats
classes, FileSet
, (i.e. single files, files + header/side-cars or directories)
and Field
(e.g. integer, decimal, text, boolean, or arrays thereof), respectively.
is typically subclassed to specify the file formats of the
files/directories in the data items. For example, some common used standard types are
File-group classes specify the extensions of the expected files/directories,
converters from alternative file formats, and may
also contain methods for accessing the headers and the contents of files
where applicable (e.g. medimage.Dicom
and medimage.NiftiGzX
Where a converter is specified from an alternative file format is specified,
Arcana will automatically run the conversion between the format required by
a pipeline and that stored in the data store. See New formats and spaces for detailed
instructions on how to specify new file formats and converters between them.
File format can be specified in the CLI using their MIME-type
or a “MIME-like” string, where their type name and registry correspond directly to the
fileformats to the fileformats
sub-package/class name are specified in the CLI by <module-path>:<class-name>,
e.g. mediamge/nifti-gz
Frames: Rows and Columns¶
Before data within a dataset can be manipulated by Arcana, they must be assigned to a data frame. The “rows” of a data frame correspond to nodes across a single layer of the data tree, such as
imaging sessions
study groups (e.g. ‘test’ or ‘control’)
and the “columns” are slices of comparable data items across each row, e.g.
T1-weighted MR acquisition for each imaging session
a genetic test for each subject
an fMRI activation map derived for each study group.
A data frame is defined by adding “source” columns to access existing (typically acquired) data, and “sink” columns to define where derivatives will be stored within the data tree. The “row frequency” argument of the column (e.g. per ‘session’, ‘subject’, etc…) specifies which data frame the column belongs to. The datatype of a column’s member items (see Items) must be consistent and is also specified when the column is created.
The data items (e.g. files, scans) within a source column do not need to have consistent labels throughout the dataset although it makes it easier where possible. To handle the case of inconsistent labelling, source columns can match single items in each row of the frame based on several criteria:
- path - label for the file-group or field
scan type for XNAT stores
relative file path from row sub-directory for file-system/BIDS stores
is treated as a regular-expression if the is_regex flag is set.
- quality threshold - the minimum quality for the item to be included
only applicable for XNAT stores, where the quality can be set by UI or API
- header values - header values are sometimes needed to distinguish file
only available for selected item formats such as
- order - the order that an item appears the data row
e.g. first T1-weighted scan that meets all other criteria in a session
only applicable for XNAT stores
If no items, or multiple items are matched, then an error is raised. The order flag, can be used to select one of muliple valid options.
The path
argument provided to sink columns defines where derived data will
be stored within the dataset:
the resource name for XNAT stores.
the relative path to the target location for file-system stores
Each column is assigned a name when it is created, which is used when connecting pipeline inputs and outputs to the dataset and accessing the data directly. The column name is used as the default value for the path of sink columns.
Use the ‘arcana dataset add-source’ and ‘arcana dataset add-sink’ commands to add columns to a dataset using the CLI.
$ arcana dataset add-source 'xnat-central//MYXNATPROJECT' T1w \
medimage/dicom-series --path '.*t1_mprage.*' \
--order 1 --quality usable --regex
$ arcana dataset add-sink '/data/imaging/my-project' fmri_activation_map \
medimage/nifti-gz --row-frequency group
Alternatively, the Dataset.add_source()
and Dataset.add_sink()
methods can be used directly to add sources and sinks via the Python API.
from arcana.common import Clinical
from fileformats.medimage import DicomSeries, NiftiGz
To access the data in the columns once they are defined use the Dataset[]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import Dataset
# Get a column containing all T1-weighted MRI images across the dataset
xnat_dataset = Dataset.load('xnat-central//MYXNATPROJECT')
t1w = xnat_dataset['T1w']
# Plot a slice of the image data from a Subject sub01's imaging session
# at Timepoint T2. (Note: such data access is only available for selected
# data formats that have convenient Python readers)
plt.imshow(t1w['T2', 'sub01'].data[:, :, 30])
One of the main benefits of using datasets in BIDS datatype is that the names
and file formats of the data are strictly defined. This allows the Bids
data store object to automatically add sources to the dataset when it is
from arcana.bids import Bids
bids_dataset = Bids().dataset(
# Print dimensions of T1-weighted MRI image for Subject 'sub01'
In addition to data frames corresponding to row frequencies that explicitly appear in the hierarchy of the data tree (see Frames: Rows and Columns), there are a number of frames that are implied and may be needed to store derivatives of a particular analysis. In clinical imaging research studies/trials, imaging sessions are classified by the subject who was scanned and, if applicable, the longitudinal timepoint. The subjects themselves are often classified by which group they belong to. Therefore, we can factor imaging session classifications into
group - study group (e.g. ‘test’ or ‘control’)
- member - ID relative to group
can be arbitrary or used to signify control-matched pairs
e.g. the ‘03’ in ‘TEST03’ & ‘CONT03’ pair of control-matched subject IDs
timepoint - longintudinal timepoint
In Arcana, these primary classifiers are conceptualised as “axes” of a “data space”, in which data points (e.g. imaging sessions) are laid out on a grid.
Depending on the hierarchy of the data tree, data belonging to these axial frequencies may or may not have a corresponding branch to be stored in. In these cases, new branches are created off the root of the tree to hold the derivatives. For example, average trial performance data, calculated at each timepoint and the age difference between matched-control pairs, would need to be stored in new sub-branches for timepoints and members, respectively.
│ ├── timepoint1
│ │ └── avg_trial_performance
│ └── timepoint2
│ └── avg_trial_performance
│ ├── member1
│ │ └── age_diff
│ └── member2
│ └── age_diff
├── group1
│ ├── member1
│ │ ├── timepoint1
│ │ │ ├── t1w_mprage
│ │ │ ├── t2w_space
│ │ │ └── bold_rest
│ │ └── timepoint2
│ │ ├── t1w_mprage
│ │ ├── t2w_space
│ │ └── bold_rest
│ └── member2
│ ├── timepoint1
│ │ ├── t1w_mprage
│ │ ├── t2w_space
│ │ └── bold_rest
│ └── timepoint2
│ ├── t1w_mprage
│ ├── t2w_space
│ └── bold_rest
└── group2
|── member1
│ ├── timepoint1
│ │ ├── t1w_mprage
│ │ ├── t2w_space
│ │ └── bold_rest
│ └── timepoint2
│ ├── t1w_mprage
│ ├── t2w_space
│ └── bold_rest
└── member2
├── timepoint1
│ ├── t1w_mprage
│ ├── t2w_space
│ └── bold_rest
└── timepoint2
├── t1w_mprage
├── t2w_space
└── bold_rest
In this framework, subject
IDs are equivalent to the combination of
group + member
IDs and session
IDs are equivalent to the combination of
group + member + timepoint
IDs. There are, 2N combinations of
the axial frequencies for a given data tree, where N
is the depth of the tree
(i.e. N=3
in this case).
Note that the grid of a particular dataset can have a single point along any given dimension (e.g. one study group or timepoint) and still exist in the data space. Therefore, when creating data spaces it is better to be inclusive of potential categories to make them more general.
All combinations of the data spaces axes are given a name within
enums. In the case of the medimage.Clinical
data space, the members are
group (group)
member (member)
timepoint (timepoint)
session (member + group + timepoint),
subject (member + group)
batch (group + timepoint)
matchedpoint (member + timepoint)
dataset ()
If they are not present in the data tree, alternative row frequencies are stored in new branches under the dataset root, in the same manner as data space axes
│ ├── group1_timepoint1
│ │ └── avg_connectivity
│ ├── group1_timepoint2
│ │ └── avg_connectivity
│ ├── group2_timepoint1
│ │ └── avg_connectivity
│ └── group2_timepoint2
│ └── avg_connectivity
│ ├── member1_timepoint1
│ │ └── comparative_trial_performance
│ ├── member1_timepoint2
│ │ └── comparative_trial_performance
│ ├── member2_timepoint1
│ │ └── comparative_trial_performance
│ └── member2_timepoint2
│ └── comparative_trial_performance
├── group1
│ ├── member1
│ │ ├── timepoint1
│ │ │ ├── t1w_mprage
│ │ │ ├── t2w_space
│ │ │ └── bold_rest
│ │ └── timepoint2
│ │ ├── t1w_mprage
│ │ ├── t2w_space
│ │ └── bold_rest
│ └── member2
│ ├── timepoint1
│ │ ├── t1w_mprage
│ │ ├── t2w_space
│ │ └── bold_rest
│ └── timepoint2
│ ├── t1w_mprage
│ ├── t2w_space
│ └── bold_rest
└── group2
|── member1
│ ├── timepoint1
│ │ ├── t1w_mprage
│ │ ├── t2w_space
│ │ └── bold_rest
│ └── timepoint2
│ ├── t1w_mprage
│ ├── t2w_space
│ └── bold_rest
└── member2
├── timepoint1
│ ├── t1w_mprage
│ ├── t2w_space
│ └── bold_rest
└── timepoint2
├── t1w_mprage
├── t2w_space
└── bold_rest
For stores that support datasets with arbitrary tree structures
(i.e. DirTree
), the “data space” and the hierarchy of layers
in the data tree needs to be provided. Data spaces are explained in more
detail in Spaces. However, for the majority of datasets in the
medical imaging field, the
space is
from arcana.dirtree import DirTree
from arcana.common import Clinical
fs_dataset = DirTree().dataset(
# Define the hierarchy of the dataset in which imaging session
# sub-directories are separated into directories via their study group
# (i.e. test & control)
hierarchy=['group', 'session'])
For datasets where the fundamental hierarchy of the storage system is fixed
(e.g. XNAT), you may need to infer the data point IDs along an axis
by decomposing a branch label following a given naming convention.
This is specified via the id-inference
argument to the dataset definition.
For example, given a an XNAT project with the following structure and a naming
convention where the subject ID is composed of the group and member ID,
<GROUPID><MEMBERID>, and the session ID is composed of the subject ID and timepoint,
├── TEST01
│ └── TEST01_MR01
│ ├── t1w_mprage
│ └── t2w_space
├── TEST02
│ └── TEST02_MR01
│ ├── t1w_mprage
│ └── t2w_space
├── CONT01
│ └── CONT01_MR01
│ ├── t1w_mprage
│ └── t2w_space
└── CONT02
└── CONT02_MR01
├── t1w_mprage
└── t2w_space
IDs for group, member and timepoint can be inferred from the subject and session IDs, by providing the frequency of the ID to decompose and a regular-expression (in Python syntax) to decompose it with. The regular expression should contain named groups that correspond to row frequencies of the IDs to be inferred, e.g.
$ arcana dataset define 'xnat-central//MYXNATPROJECT' \
--id-inference subject '(?P<group>[A-Z]+)_(?P<member>\d+)' \
--id-inference session '[A-Z0-9]+_MR(?P<timepoint>\d+)'
Often there are data points that need to be removed from a given analysis due to missing or corrupted data. Such sections need to be removed in a way that the data points still lie on a rectangular grid within the data space (see Spaces) so derivatives computed over a given axis or axes are drawn from comparable number of data points.
Somewhat confusingly the “data points” referred to in this section
actually correspond to “data rows” in the frames used in analyses.
However, you can think of a 2 or 3 (or higher) dimensional grid as
being flattened out into a 1D array to form a data frame in the
same way as numpy’s ravel()
method does to higher dimensional
arrays. The different types of data collected at each data point
(e.g. imaging session) can then be visuallised as expanding out to
form the row of the data frame.
The --exclude
option is used to specify the data points to exclude from
a dataset.
$ arcana dataset define '/data/imaging/my-project@manually_qcd' \
common:Clinical subject session \
--exclude member 03,11,27
The include
argument is the inverse of exclude and can be more convenient when
you only want to select a small sample or split the dataset into sections.
can be used in conjunction with exclude
but not for the same
$ arcana dataset define '/data/imaging/my-project@manually_qcd' \
common:Clinical subject session \
--exclude member 03,11,27 \
--include timepoint 1,2
You may want multiple dataset definitions for a given project/directory, for different analyses e.g. with different subsets of IDs depending on which scans have passed quality control, or to define training and test datasets for machine learning. To keep these analyses separate, you can assign a dataset definition a name, which is used differentiate between multiple definitions stored in the same dataset project/directory. To do this via the CLI, append the name to the dataset’s ID string separated by ‘::’, e.g.
$ arcana dataset define '/data/imaging/my-project@training' \
common:Clinical group subject \
--include member 10:20