from pathlib import Path
import re
import typing as ty
import logging
from .datatype import DataType
import fileformats.core
from .utils import get_optional_type
from .decorators import validated_property, classproperty
from .identification import to_mime_format_name
from .converter_helpers import SubtypeVar, Converter
from .classifier import Classifier
from .exceptions import (
logger = logging.getLogger("fileformats")
T = ty.TypeVar("T")
class WithMagicNumber:
"""Mixin class for Files with magic numbers at the start of their
Class Attrs
magic_number : str or bytes
the magic number/string to search for at the start of the file. If a unicode
string then it is interpreted as the byte code in hex, if a bytes object, then
it is treated as the byte string directly.
binary : bool
if the file-format is a binary type then this flag needs to be set in order to
read the contents properly
magic_number_offset : int, optional
the offset in bytes from the start of the file that the magic number is stored
magic_number_offset = 0
binary: bool
magic_number: ty.Union[str, bytes]
def _check_magic_number(self) -> None:
if getattr(self, "binary", True) and isinstance(self.magic_number, str):
magic_bytes = bytes.fromhex(self.magic_number)
except ValueError:
raise FormatDefinitionError(
f"Magic number of file {type(self)} is not a valid hex string"
assert isinstance(self.magic_number, bytes)
magic_bytes = self.magic_number
read_magic_number = self.read_contents( # type: ignore[attr-defined]
len(magic_bytes), offset=self.magic_number_offset
if read_magic_number != magic_bytes:
read_magic: ty.Union[str, bytes]
ref_magic: ty.Union[str, bytes]
if getattr(self, "binary", True) and isinstance(self.magic_number, str):
read_magic = '"' + bytes.hex(read_magic_number) + '"'
ref_magic = '"' + self.magic_number + '"'
read_magic = read_magic_number
assert isinstance(self.magic_number, bytes)
ref_magic = self.magic_number
raise FormatMismatchError(
f"Magic number of file {read_magic!r} doesn't match expected "
class WithMagicVersion:
"""Mixin class for Files with version numbers embedded within "magic numbers"
the start of their contents.
Class Attrs
magic_pattern : bytes
the magic number/string to search for at the start of the file
magic_pattern_offset : int, optional
the offset in bytes from the start of the file that the magic pattern is read from
magic_pattern_maxlength : int, optional
the maximum length of the pattern, i.e. the length of the byte-string that will
be read from the file, by default it will be the length of the magic_pattern
string (which will probably be longer than the string it matches due to the
special characters in the regex)
binary: bool
magic_pattern: bytes
magic_pattern_offset = 0
magic_pattern_maxlength: ty.Optional[int] = None
def version(self) -> ty.Union[str, ty.Tuple[str, ...]]:
read_length = (
if self.magic_pattern_maxlength
else len(self.magic_pattern)
read_bytes = self.read_contents(read_length, offset=self.magic_pattern_offset) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
match = re.match(self.magic_pattern, read_bytes)
if not match:
raise FormatMismatchError(
f"Byte-string of length {read_length} at {self.magic_pattern_offset} "
f"({read_bytes!r}), doesn't match expected pattern, {self.magic_pattern!r}"
version: ty.Tuple[str, ...] = tuple(b.decode("utf-8") for b in match.groups())
if not version:
raise FormatDefinitionError(
f"No version patterns found in magic pattern of {type(self).__name__} "
f"class, {self.magic_pattern!r}"
if len(version) == 1:
return version[0]
return version
class WithAdjacentFiles:
If only the main fspath is provided to the __init__ of the class, this mixin
automatically includes any "adjacent files", i.e. any files with the same stem but
different extensions
Note that WithAdjacentFiles must come before the primary type in the method-resolution
order of the class so it can override the '_additional_paths' method in
class MyFileFormatWithSeparateHeader(WithSeparateHeader, MyFileFormat):
header_type = MyHeaderType
fspaths: ty.FrozenSet[Path]
def _additional_fspaths(self) -> None:
if len(self.fspaths) == 1:
self.fspaths |= self.get_adjacent_files()
trim = True
trim = False
if trim:
self.trim_paths() # type: ignore[attr-defined]
def get_adjacent_files(self) -> ty.Set[Path]:
stem = self.stem # type: ignore[attr-defined]
adjacents = set()
for sibling in self.fspath.parent.iterdir(): # type: ignore[attr-defined]
if (
sibling != self.fspath # type: ignore[attr-defined]
and sibling.is_file()
and + ".")
return adjacents
class WithSideCars(WithAdjacentFiles):
"""Mixin class for Files with a "side-car" file that augments the inline metadata
(typically with the same file stem but differing extension).
Note that WithSideCars must come before the primary type in the method-resolution
order of the class methods, e.g.
class MyFileFormatWithSideCars(WithSideCars, MyFileFormat):
primary_type = MyFileFormat
side_car_types = (MySideCarType,)
Class Attrs
primary_type : type
the file-format of the primary file (used to read the inline metadata), can be
the base class that implements 'read_metadata'
side_car_types : tuple[type, ...]
the file-formats of the expected side-car files
primary_type: ty.Type["fileformats.core.FileSet"]
side_car_types: ty.Tuple[ty.Type["fileformats.core.FileSet"], ...]
def side_cars(self) -> ty.Tuple["fileformats.core.FileSet", ...]:
return tuple(tp(self.select_by_ext(tp)) for tp in self.side_car_types) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
def read_metadata(self, **kwargs: ty.Any) -> ty.Mapping[str, ty.Any]:
metadata: ty.Dict[str, ty.Any] = dict(self.primary_type.read_metadata(self, **kwargs)) # type: ignore[arg-type]
for side_car in self.side_cars:
side_car_metadata: ty.Dict[str, ty.Any] = side_car.load()
except AttributeError:
if not isinstance(side_car_metadata, dict):
raise TypeError(
f"`load` method of side-car type {type(side_car)} must return a "
f"dictionary, not {type(side_car_metadata)!r}"
side_car_class_name: str = to_mime_format_name(type(side_car).__name__)
metadata[side_car_class_name] = side_car_metadata
return metadata
@classproperty # type: ignore[arg-type]
def nested_types(cls) -> ty.Tuple[ty.Type[Classifier], ...]:
return cls.side_car_types
class WithClassifiers:
"""Mixin class for adding the ability to qualify the format class to designate the
type of information stored within the format, e.g. ``DirectoryOf[Png, Gif]`` for a
directory containing PNG and GIF files, ``Zip[DataFile]`` for a zipped data file,
``Array[Integer]`` for an array containing integers, or DicomDir[T1w, Brain] for a
T1-weighted MRI scan of the brain in DICOM format.
class MyFormatWithClassifiers(WithClassifiers, BinaryFile):
ext = ".myf
def my_func(file: MyFormatWithClassifiers[Integer]):
A unique class will be returned (i.e. multiple calls with the same arguments will
return the same class)
Class Attrs
classifiers_attr_name : str, optional
an attribute name to store the classifiers at within the classified class. This
should be used if you need to reference the ``classifiers`` attribute directly
in any validation/other methods (i.e. in most cases), to handle the case of
diamond inheritance between two classes that can be classified.
A default value should also be set in the unclassified base for this attribute,
which is either ``()`` if ``multiple_classifiers`` is true and ``None`` otherwise
<classifiers-attr-name> : tuple[type, ...] or None, optional
pass a default value to the attribute referenced by 'classifiers_attr_name'
allowed_classifiers : tuple[type,...], optional
the allowable types (+ subclasses) for the content types. If None all types
are allowed
genericly_classified : bool, optional
whether the class can be classified by classifiers in any namespace (true) or just the
namespace it belongs to (false). If true, then the namespace of the genericly
classified class is omitted from the "mime-like" string. Note that the
class' name therefore needs to be globally unique amongst all other genericly
classified classes and so it should be used sparingly, i.e., highly generic
formats that are unambiguous across all namespaces, such as "directory", "zip",
"gzip", "json", "yaml", etc...
# classifiers set in the current class
classifiers: ty.Tuple[ty.Type[DataType], ...] = ()
_classified_subtypes: ty.Dict[
ty.Tuple[ty.Type[Classifier], ...], ty.Type[DataType]
] = {}
# dict of previously created classified subtypes. If an existing class with matching
# classifiers has been created it is returned instead of creating a new type. This
# ensures that ``assert MyFormat[Qualifier] is MyFormat[Qualifier]``
# Default values for class attrs
multiple_classifiers = True
allowed_classifiers: ty.Optional[ty.Tuple[ty.Type[Classifier], ...]] = None
allow_optional_classifiers = False
exclusive_classifiers: ty.Tuple[ty.Type[Classifier], ...] = ()
ordered_classifiers = False
generically_classifiable = False
def _validate_class(self) -> ty.Union[bool, None]:
validated: ty.Union[bool, None] = super()._validate_class() # type: ignore
if validated is None:
if self.wildcard_classifiers():
raise FormatDefinitionError(
f"Can instantiate {type(self)} class as it has wildcard classifiers "
"and therefore should only be used for converter specifications"
return validated
@classproperty # type: ignore[arg-type]
def is_classified(cls) -> bool:
return "unclassified" in cls.__dict__
@classproperty # type: ignore[arg-type]
def nested_types(cls) -> ty.Tuple[ty.Type[Classifier], ...]:
return cls.classifiers
def wildcard_classifiers(
cls, classifiers: ty.Optional[ty.Sequence[ty.Type[Classifier]]] = None
) -> ty.FrozenSet[ty.Type[SubtypeVar]]:
if classifiers is None:
classifiers = cls.classifiers if cls.is_classified else ()
return frozenset(
t for t in classifiers if issubclass(get_optional_type(t), SubtypeVar) # type: ignore[misc]
def non_wildcard_classifiers(
cls, classifiers: ty.Optional[ty.Collection[ty.Type[Classifier]]] = None
) -> ty.FrozenSet[ty.Type[Classifier]]:
if classifiers is None:
classifiers = cls.classifiers if cls.is_classified else ()
assert classifiers is not None
return frozenset(
q for q in classifiers if not issubclass(get_optional_type(q), SubtypeVar)
def __class_getitem__(
classifiers: ty.Union[ty.Collection[ty.Type[Classifier]], ty.Type[Classifier]],
) -> ty.Type[DataType]:
"""Set the content types for a newly created dynamically type"""
if isinstance(classifiers, ty.Iterable):
classifiers_tuple = tuple(classifiers)
classifiers_tuple = (classifiers,)
classifiers_to_check = tuple(
get_optional_type(c, cls.allow_optional_classifiers)
for c in classifiers_tuple
if cls.allowed_classifiers:
not_allowed = [
for q in classifiers_to_check
if not any(issubclass(q, t) for t in cls.allowed_classifiers)
if not_allowed:
raise FormatDefinitionError(
f"Invalid content types provided to {cls} (must be subclasses of "
f"{cls.allowed_classifiers}): {not_allowed}"
# Sort content types if order isn't important
if cls.multiple_classifiers:
if not cls.ordered_classifiers:
# Check for duplicate classifiers in the multiple list
if len(classifiers_to_check) > 1:
# Sort the classifiers into categories and ensure that there aren't more
# than one type for each category. Otherwise, if the classifier doesn't
# belong to a category, check to see that there aren't multiple sub-classes
# in the classifier set
repetitions: ty.Dict[
ty.Type[Classifier], ty.List[ty.Type[Classifier]]
] = {
c: [] for c in cls.exclusive_classifiers + classifiers_to_check
for classifier in classifiers_to_check:
for exc_classifier in repetitions:
if issubclass(classifier, exc_classifier):
repeated = [t for t in repetitions.items() if len(t[1]) > 1]
if repeated:
raise FormatDefinitionError(
"Cannot have more than one occurrence of a classifier "
f"or subclasses for {cls} class when "
f"{cls.__name__}.ordered_classifiers is false:\n"
+ "\n".join(
f"{k!r}: " + ", ".join(repr(x) for x in v)
for k, v in repeated
classifiers_tuple = tuple(
key=lambda x: get_optional_type(x).__name__,
if len(classifiers_tuple) > 1:
raise FormatDefinitionError(
f"Multiple classifiers not permitted for {cls} types, provided: "
# Make sure that the "classified" dictionary is present in this class not super
# classes
if "_classified_subtypes" not in cls.__dict__:
cls._classified_subtypes = {}
# Load previously created type so we can do ``assert MyType[Integer] is MyType[Integer]``
classified = cls._classified_subtypes[classifiers_tuple]
except KeyError:
if not hasattr(cls, "classifiers_attr_name"):
raise FormatDefinitionError(
f"{cls} needs to define the 'classifiers_attr_name' class attribute "
"with the name of the (different) class attribute to hold the "
"classified types"
if cls.classifiers_attr_name is None:
raise FormatDefinitionError(
f"Inherited classifiers have been disabled in {cls} (by setting "
f'"classifiers_attr_name)" to None)'
classifiers_attr = getattr(cls, cls.classifiers_attr_name)
except AttributeError:
raise FormatDefinitionError(
f"Default value for classifiers attribute "
f"'{cls.classifiers_attr_name}' needs to be set in {cls}"
if classifiers_attr:
raise FormatDefinitionError(
f"Default value for classifiers attribute "
f"'{cls.classifiers_attr_name}' needs to be set in {cls}"
class_attrs = {
"unclassified": cls,
"classifiers": classifiers_tuple,
class_attrs[cls.classifiers_attr_name] = (
classifiers_tuple if cls.multiple_classifiers else classifiers_tuple[0]
classifier_names = [
get_optional_type(t).__name__ for t in classifiers_tuple
if not cls.ordered_classifiers:
classified = type(
classified.__module__ = cls.__module__
cls._classified_subtypes[classifiers_tuple] = classified
return classified
def get_converter_defs(cls, source_format: type) -> ty.List[Converter]:
"""Search the registered converters to find an appropriate task and associated
key-word args to perform the conversion between source and target formats
source_format : type(FileSet)
the source format to convert from
from fileformats.core import FileSet
# Try to see if a converter has been defined to the exact type
available_converters: ty.List[Converter] = super().get_converter_defs( # type: ignore[misc, type-arg]
# Failing that, see if there is a generic conversion between the container type
# the source format (or subclass of) defined with matching wildcards in the source
# and target formats
if not available_converters and cls.is_classified:
converters_dict = FileSet.get_converters_dict(
cls.unclassified # type: ignore[attr-defined]
) # pylint: disable=no-member
for template_source_format, converter in converters_dict.items():
if converter.classifiers: # was defined with wildcard classifiers
# Attempt conversion from generic type to template match
if issubclass(template_source_format, SubtypeVar):
assert tuple(
) == (template_source_format,)
non_wildcards = cls.non_wildcard_classifiers(
to_match = tuple(set(cls.classifiers).difference(non_wildcards))
if len(to_match) > 1:
wildcard_match = False
wildcard_match = issubclass(source_format, to_match[0])
# Attempt template to template conversion match
elif getattr(source_format, "is_classified", False) and issubclass(
source_format.unclassified, template_source_format.unclassified # type: ignore[attr-defined]
assert cls.wildcard_classifiers(
) == cls.wildcard_classifiers(
template_source_format.classifiers # type: ignore[attr-defined]
if cls.ordered_classifiers:
if len(cls.classifiers) != len(
) or len(
source_format.classifiers # type: ignore[attr-defined]
) != len(
template_source_format.classifiers # type: ignore[attr-defined]
wildcard_match = False
wildcard_map = {}
for actual, template in zip(
source_format.classifiers, # type: ignore[attr-defined]
template_source_format.classifiers, # type: ignore[attr-defined]
if issubclass(template, SubtypeVar):
wildcard_map[template] = actual
wildcard_match = True
for actual, template in zip(
cls.classifiers, converter.classifiers
if issubclass(template, SubtypeVar):
reference = wildcard_map[template]
except KeyError:
wildcard_match = False
if not issubclass(actual, reference):
wildcard_match = False
elif not issubclass(actual, template):
wildcard_match = False
non_wildcards = cls.non_wildcard_classifiers(
src_non_wildcards = cls.non_wildcard_classifiers(
template_source_format.classifiers # type: ignore[attr-defined]
if not non_wildcards.issubset(
) or not src_non_wildcards.issubset(
set(source_format.classifiers) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
wildcard_match = False
to_match = set(cls.classifiers).difference(
from_types = set(source_format.classifiers).difference( # type: ignore[attr-defined]
wildcard_match = to_match.issubset(from_types)
wildcard_match = False
if wildcard_match:
return available_converters
def __subclasshook__(cls, subclass: type) -> bool:
"""Overload the behaviour of 'issubclass' so that classified classes are considered
to be subclasses of each other if they contain a super-set of classifiers"""
if type.__subclasscheck__(cls, subclass):
return True
# Check to see whether the unclassified types are equivalent
if (
not cls.is_classified
or not getattr(subclass, "is_classified", False)
or not issubclass(subclass.unclassified, cls.unclassified) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
return False
if cls.ordered_classifiers:
assert subclass.ordered_classifiers # type: ignore[attr-defined]
if len(subclass.classifiers) != len(cls.classifiers): # type: ignore[attr-defined]
is_subclass = False
is_subclass = all(
issubclass(q, s)
for q, s in zip(subclass.classifiers, cls.classifiers) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
assert not subclass.ordered_classifiers # type: ignore[attr-defined]
if set(subclass.classifiers).issuperset(cls.classifiers): # type: ignore[attr-defined]
is_subclass = True
# Check for sub-classes of classifiers
is_subclass = all(
any(issubclass(q, s) for q in subclass.classifiers) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
for s in cls.classifiers
return is_subclass
def register_converter(
source_format: ty.Type["fileformats.core.FileSet"],
converter: Converter,
) -> None:
"""Registers a converter task within a class attribute. Called by the @fileformats.converter
source_format : type
the source format to register a converter from
a tuple consisting of a `task_spec` callable that resolves to a Pydra task
and a dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to the task spec at
initialisation time
if there is already a converter registered between the two types
# Ensure "converters" dict is defined in the target class and not in a superclass
if cls.wildcard_classifiers():
if issubclass(source_format, SubtypeVar):
if len(cls.wildcard_classifiers()) > 1:
raise FormatDefinitionError(
"Can only have one wildcard qualifier when registering a converter "
f"to {cls} from a generic type, found {cls.wildcard_classifiers()}"
elif not source_format.is_classified: # type: ignore[attr-defined]
raise FormatDefinitionError(
"Can only use wildcard classifiers when registering a converter "
f"from a generic type or similarly classified type, not {source_format}"
source_wildcard_classifiers = source_format.wildcard_classifiers() # type: ignore[attr-defined]
if cls.wildcard_classifiers() != source_wildcard_classifiers:
raise FormatDefinitionError(
f"Mismatching wildcards between source format, {source_format} "
f"({list(source_wildcard_classifiers)}), and target "
f"{cls} ({cls.wildcard_classifiers()})"
prev_registered = [
for f in cls.converters # type: ignore[attr-defined]
if (
issubclass(source_format.unclassified, f.unclassified) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
and f.non_wildcard_classifiers()
== source_format.non_wildcard_classifiers() # type: ignore[attr-defined]
assert len(prev_registered) <= 1
prev = prev_registered[0] if prev_registered else None
if prev:
prev_converter = cls.converters[prev] # type: ignore[attr-defined]
# task, task_kwargs = converter_spec
# prev_task, prev_kwargs, prev_classifiers = prev_tuple
if converter == prev_converter:
"Ignoring duplicate registrations of the same converter %s",
return # actually the same task but just imported twice for some reason
prev_unclassified = prev.unclassified
unclassified = cls.unclassified # type: ignore[attr-defined]
raise FormatDefinitionError(
f"Cannot register converter from {prev_unclassified} "
f"to {unclassified} with non-wildcard classifiers "
f"{list(prev.non_wildcard_classifiers())}, {converter.task_def}, "
f"because there is already one registered, {prev_converter.task}"
converters_dict = cls.unclassified.get_converters_dict() # type: ignore[attr-defined]
converter.classifiers = cls.classifiers
converters_dict[source_format] = converter
super().register_converter(source_format, converter) # type: ignore[misc]
@classproperty # type: ignore[arg-type]
def namespace(cls) -> ty.Optional[str]:
"""The "namespace" the format belongs to under the "fileformats" umbrella
namespace: ty.Optional[str]
if cls.is_classified:
namespaces: ty.Collection[str] = set(
t.namespace for t in cls.classifiers if t.namespace
if not cls.generically_classifiable:
namespaces.add(cls.unclassified.namespace) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
if len(namespaces) == 1:
return next(iter(namespaces))
# Handle subpackage namespaces and parent, e.g. medimage & medimage-fsl
namespaces = sorted(namespaces)
if (
len(namespaces) == 2
and namespaces[1].split("-")[0] == namespaces[0]
return namespaces[1]
msg = (
"Cannot create reversible MIME type for because did not find a "
f"common namespace between all classifiers {list(cls.classifiers)}"
if not cls.generically_classifiable:
msg += f" and (non genericly classified) base class {cls.unclassified}" # type: ignore[attr-defined]
raise FormatRecognitionError(msg + f", found:\n{list(namespaces)}")
namespace = super().namespace # type: ignore[misc]
except AttributeError:
namespace = None
return namespace
@classproperty # type: ignore[arg-type]
def type_name(cls) -> str:
"""Name of type including classifiers to be used in __repr__"""
unclassified: str
if not cls.is_classified:
return cls.__name__ # type: ignore[no-any-return, attr-defined]
unclassified = cls.unclassified.__name__ # type: ignore[attr-defined]
return (
unclassified + "[" + ", ".join(t.type_name for t in cls.classifiers) + "]"
class WithClassifier(WithClassifiers):
multiple_classifiers = False
class WithOrderedClassifiers(WithClassifiers):
ordered_classifiers = True