Command-line interface¶
FrameTree's command line interface allows you to create stores and frame sets, add source and sink columns, apply pipelines and create derivatives. It can be grouped into three sections, Store management, frame specification, and processing.
Store management¶
Commands used to access remove data stores and save them for further use
frametree store add¶
Saves the details for a new data store in the configuration file ('~/.frametree/stores.yaml').
TYPE of the storage class, typically the name of the package the type is defined, e.g. 'xnat' or 'bids'. More specific types can be given by using a colon to separate the package name and type, e.g. frametree.xnat:XnatViaCS
NAME The name the store will be saved as in the configuration file. This is used to refer to the store when using the frametree CLI.
frametree store add [OPTIONS] TYPE NAME
- -s, --server <server>¶
The URI of the server to connect to (if applicable)
- -u, --user <user>¶
The username to use to connect to the store
- -p, --password <password>¶
The password to use to connect to the store
- -c, --cache <cache>¶
The location of a cache dir to download local copies of remote data
- -d, --race-condition-delay <race_condition_delay>¶
How long to wait for changes on a incomplete download before assuming it has been interrupted, clearing it and starting again
- -o, --option <name> <value>¶
Additional key-word arguments that are passed to the store class
Required argument
Required argument
frametree store rename¶
Renames a store in the configuration file
OLD_KNAME The current name of the store.
NEW_NAME The new name for the store.
frametree store rename [OPTIONS] OLD_NAME NEW_NAME
Required argument
Required argument
frametree store remove¶
Remove a saved data store from the config file
NAME The name the store was given when its details were saved
frametree store remove [OPTIONS] NAME
Required argument
frametree store refresh¶
Refreshes credentials saved for the given store (typically a token that expires)
NAME The name the store was given when its details were saved
frametree store refresh [OPTIONS] NAME
- -u, --user <user>¶
The username to use to connect to the store
- -p, --password <password>¶
The password to use to connect to the store
Required argument
frametree store ls¶
List available stores that have been saved
frametree store ls [OPTIONS]
Frame specification¶
Commands used to define and work with datasets
frametree define¶
Define the tree structure and IDs to include in a frame set. Where possible, the definition file is saved inside the dataset for use by multiple users, if not possible it is stored in the ~/.frametree directory.
ADDRESS string containing the nick-name of the store, the ID of the dataset (e.g. XNAT project ID or file-system directory) and the frame tree's name in the format <store-nickname>//<dataset-id>[@<frametree-name>]
HIERARCHY the data frequencies that are present in the data tree. For some store types this is fixed (e.g. XNAT-> subject > session) but for more flexible (e.g. MockRemote), which dimension each layer of sub-directories corresponds to can be arbitrarily specified. dimensions
frametree define [OPTIONS] ADDRESS [HIERARCHY]...
- --axes <axes>¶
The enum that specifies the axes of the FrameTree. Defaults to Clinical, which consists of the typical dataset>group>subject>session data tree used in medimage trials/studies
- --include <freq-id>¶
The rows to include in the dataset. First value is the row-frequency of the ID (e.g. 'group', 'subject', 'session') followed by the IDs to be included in the dataset. If the second arg contains '/' then it is interpreted as the path to a text file containing a list of IDs
- --exclude <freq-id>¶
The rows to exclude from the dataset. First value is the row-frequency of the ID (e.g. 'group', 'subject', 'session') followed by the IDs to be included in the dataset. If the second arg contains '/' then it is interpreted as the path to a text file containing a list of IDs
- --id-pattern <row-frequency> <pattern>¶
Specifies how IDs of row frequencies that not explicitly provided are inferred from the IDs that are. For example, given a set of subject IDs that are a combination of the ID of the group that they belong to + their member IDs (i.e. matched test/controls have same member ID), e.g.
the group ID can be extracted by providing the ID to source it from (i.e. subject) and a regular expression (in Python regex syntax: with a single group corresponding to the inferred IDs
--id-pattern group 'subject:([A-Z]+)[0-9]+' --id-pattern member 'subject:[A-Z]+([0-9]+)'
Required argument
Optional argument(s)
frametree add-source¶
Adds a source column to a dataset. A source column selects comparable items along a dimension of the dataset to serve as an input to pipelines and analyses.
ADDRESS The path to the dataset including store and dataset name (where applicable), e.g. central-xnat//MYXNATPROJECT:pass_t1w_qc
NAME: The name the source will be referenced by
FORMAT: The data type of the column. Can be a field (int|float|str|bool), field array (ty.List[int|float|str|bool]) or "file-set" (file, file+header/side-cars or directory)
frametree add-source [OPTIONS] ADDRESS NAME DATATYPE
- -f, --row-frequency <dimension>¶
The row-frequency that items appear in the dataset (e.g. per 'session', 'subject', 'visit', 'group', 'dataset' for common:Clinical data dimensions
- Default:
- -p, --path <path>¶
Path to item in the dataset. If 'regex' option is provided it will be treated as a regular-expression (in Python syntax)
- --order <order>¶
If multiple items match the remaining criteria within a session, select the <order>th of the matching items
- -q, --quality <quality>¶
For data stores that enable flagging of data quality, this option can filter out poor quality scans
- --regex, --no-regex¶
Whether the 'path' option should be treated as a regular expression or not
- -h, --header <key-val>¶
Match on specific header value. This option is only valid for select formats that the implement the 'header_val()' method (e.g. medimage/dicom-series).
Required argument
Required argument
Required argument
frametree add-sink¶
Adds a sink column to a dataset. A sink column specifies how data should be written into the dataset.
- dataset_path
The path to the dataset including store and dataset name (where applicable), e.g. central-xnat//MYXNATPROJECT:pass_t1w_qc
- name
The name the source will be referenced by
- datatype
The data type of the column. Can be a field (int|float|str|bool), field array (ty.List[int|float|str|bool]) or "file-set" (file, file+header/side-cars or directory)
- -f, --row-frequency <dimension>¶
The row-frequency that items appear in the dataset (e.g. per 'session', 'subject', 'visit', 'group', 'dataset' for Clinical data dimensions
- Default:
- -p, --path <path>¶
Path to item in the dataset. If 'regex' option is provided it will be treated as a regular-expression (in Python syntax)
- -s, --salience <salience>¶
The salience of the column, i.e. whether it will show up on 'frametree derive menu'
Required argument
Required argument
Required argument
frametree missing-items¶
Finds the IDs of rows that are missing a valid entry for an item in the column.
- ADDRESS of the dataset including store and dataset name (where
applicable), e.g. central-xnat//MYXNATPROJECT:pass_t1w_qc
COLUMN_NAMES, [COLUMN_NAMES, ...] for the columns to check, defaults to all source columns
frametree missing-items [OPTIONS] ADDRESS [COLUMN_NAMES]...
Required argument
Optional argument(s)
Commands for applying workflows and analyses to framesets and generate derivative data
frametree apply¶
Apply a Pydra workflow to a dataset as a pipeline between two columns
ADDRESS string containing the nickname of the data store, the ID of the dataset (e.g. XNAT project ID or file-system directory) and the dataset's name in the format <store-nickname>//<dataset-id>[@<dataset-name>]
PIPELINE_NAME is the name of the pipeline
WORKFLOW_LOCATION is the location to a Pydra workflow on the Python system path, <MODULE>:<WORKFLOW>
- -i, --input <col-name> <pydra-field> <required-datatype>¶
the link between a column and an input of the workflow. The required format is the location (<module-path>:<class>) of the format expected by the workflow
- -o, --output <col-name> <pydra-field> <produced-datatype>¶
the link between an output of the workflow and a sink column. The produced datatype is the location (<module-path>:<class>) of the datatype produced by the workflow
- -p, --parameter <name> <value>¶
a fixed parameter of the workflow to set when applying it
- -s, --source <col-name> <pydra-field> <required-datatype>¶
add a source to the dataset and link it to an input of the workflow in a single step. The source column must be able to be specified by its path alone and be already in the datatype required by the workflow
- -k, --sink <col-name> <pydra-field> <produced-datatype>¶
add a sink to the dataset and link it to an output of the workflow in a single step. The sink column be in the same datatype as produced by the workflow
- -f, --row-frequency <row_frequency>¶
the row-frequency of the rows the pipeline will be executed over, i.e. will it be run once per-session, per-subject or per whole dataset, by default the highest row-frequency rows (e.g. per-session)
- --overwrite, --no-overwrite¶
whether to overwrite previous pipelines
Required argument
Required argument
Required argument
frametree derive¶
Derive data for a data sink column and all prerequisite columns.
ADDRESS string containing the nickname of the data store, the ID of the dataset (e.g. XNAT project ID or file-system directory) and the dataset's name in the format <store-nickname>//<dataset-id>[@<dataset-name>]
COLUMNS are the names of the sink columns to derive
frametree derive [OPTIONS] ADDRESS [COLUMNS]...
- -w, --work <work>¶
The location of the directory where the working files created during the pipeline execution will be stored
- --plugin <plugin>¶
The Pydra plugin with which to process the workflow
- --loglevel <loglevel>¶
The level of detail logging information is presented
Required argument
Optional argument(s)
frametree ignore-diff¶
Ignore difference between provenance of previously generated derivative and new parameterisation
frametree ignore-diff [OPTIONS]